Meet the face behind the posts
My name is Jesseñia Melise and I am a wife, crochet crafter, and proud afro-latina. Most importantly though, I am passionate about the Lord.
I have been a Christian all my life, but it wasn’t until my 20s that I realized my relationship with Christ was lacking depth. I knew who Jesus was, and I loved Him because He literally saved my life, but there was a lot missing from our relationship. One day, I went on a mission to dive deeper, to really understand what it meant to live a life in Christ, and I haven't looked back since.
I am really excited that you stopped by, because even getting one step closer to God is great news. In fact, I’ve created this website so that you can dive deeper with me! Here you will find stories, bible studies, journal prompts and other outside resources that can help you deepen your relationship with Christ, and ultimately live a life pleasing to Him.
So what are you waiting for?! Subscribe so you'll never miss an update. Don't worry, I don't like spam, so I won't spam you either. Grab your bible, writing utensil, maybe even a blanket, and let's dig in together.
For those who are looking for a place to begin, click here for a bible reading challenge :)